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WHY fiber is important.

First and foremost, fiber is a non-digestible carbohydrate, which means, it doesn't generally break down into calories and doesn't spike your blood sugar. We've all been told fiber is important, blah blah blah. But what does it actually do? Fiber has a few very important functions in the diet. First, it adds bulk and holds water. By adding bulk it also keeps you feeling fuller longer and slows the release of glucose (sugar) into the blood stream. More bulk also keeps you more regular by giving the intestinal muscles something to actually move. This can be beneficial for both too loose or too solid stools. That being said, if you're increasing fiber, you MUST increase your water intake. Fiber also provides food for certain bacteria in the gut that it ferments to create some vitamins that are hard to get from food. So where do you get fiber? Fruits and vegetables and nuts! Think, spinach, avocado, apples, pears, berries, kale, cashews, etc. Whole foods, the more refined foods are likely to be more deficient in fiber (ex. White flour, sugar). And last but not least, fiber absorbs cholesterol. Binding to fiber and passing through the stool is the only way cholesterol is excreted. If you consume insufficient fiber, the bowel reabsorbs cholesterol.

ALWAYS remember to involve fiber when balancing you plate!

  • Fiber keeps you full longer and slows release of glucose into the bloodstream

  • Fiber regulates your bowel movements, to help speed up or slow down depending on which you need

  • Fiber feeds gut bacteria to produce it's own vitamins

  • Fiber lowers your cholesterol


If you have any questions or comments about fiber and want to share, feel free to comment below or message me directly!

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FB: Jason Yee Nutrition

Insta: @gethealthyee

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